Monday Chair Yoga at 2:00 CST

Partnering with cancer rehab & Integrative Medicine, co-sponsored by the Moving Beyond Cancer collaberative and Team Survivor, and generously hosted by Studio Satya

I offer this live Chair Yoga hybrid class, taken online or in person at Studio Satya, every Monday, now at 2:00pm cst

Studio Satya’s address: 1308 West Anderson Lane, Suite A, Austin, TX 78757

Anyone who is impacted by cancer is invited to take a class—survivors/thrivers, co-survivors, (healthcare practitioners, family and friend) of someone who is dealing with cancer.  The class is appropriate for all levels and people at all stages of their cancer journey and treatment/recovery.

To attend the free/donation-optional class on Mondays,  simply click on the buttons below for online or inperson classes.

*Tammy can adapt any Hatha mat class, to use a chair as a prop, according to your needs.

chair yoga, accessible yoga. yoga for cancer survivors thrivers and co-survivors caregivers family and friends in austin texas

if you missed the buttons to RSVP to sign up…

To join the IN PERSON chair yoga class, click here

To join the ONLINE chair yoga class, click here